
28th February, 2023 The Mongols ruled most of central Asia before their leader, Chenghis Khan, led them on an ill-fated campaign into what is now Hungary, where he eventually died. Two questions: Did these events happen before or after 151 A.D.? In what year did Genghis Kahn die? Before reading this question I had no […]
Be yourself, Be Kind.

27th February, 2023 There was once a newspaper vendor who had a rude customer. Every morning, the customer would walk by, refuse to return the greeting, grab the paper off the shelf and throw the money at the vendor. The vendor would pick up the money, smile politely and say,“ Thank you, Sir.” One day, […]
Slow Dance

26th February, 2023 Here is a poem written by child psychologist David L. Weatherford, I read some years back and again recently. This is one of the few texts that led me to work towards changing my life, from one where I was deferring living for tomorrow to one where I try to live today […]
’Be Thankful’

25th February, 2023 ‘The more you thank life, the more life gives you to be thankful for.’ A construction supervisor from the 16th floor of a building was calling a worker on the ground floor. Because of the noise, the worker did not hear him. To draw his attention, the supervisor threw a Rs. 10 […]

24th February, 2023 When I started using a pen in my primary school, and I made a mistake, I would try hard to erase it before submitting it to my teacher. Sometimes, I used a chalk to clean my mistake but it used to re-appear later. So I began to use saliva, it worked at […]
Blue Bird Event

23rd February, 2023 Bluebird is a lucrative opportunity that you come across unexpectedly, without much effort. The term is often used by sales professionals when talking about inbound leads. As the buyer arrives without you knowing or making any effort, those might indeed seem like they come out of the blue. In particular, Bluebird is […]
‘Visualize The Life You Want’

22nd February, 2023 The dream will manifest. The worry will subside. The right people will appear. The results you wanted will happen. The Universe will bless you and will conspire to make it happen. You just believe and Visualize the life you want. No matter what the odds, we can make this lifetime, the best […]
Do Good & Good will Come to You

21st February, 2023 Doing good is not just about donating money or volunteering your time to help those in need; it’s also about being a good person and doing the right thing. It’s about taking care of yourself and your loved ones by making healthy choices, following through on promises, speaking kindly to others and […]
‘The Tree of Life’

20th February, 2023 Some years ago, I went to Bahrain. A Friend took me to see a national landmark there called “The Tree of Life.” This tree is considered one of the seven natural wonders of the modern world. It stands on a hill in the Arabian Desert surrounded by miles of sand. There is […]
‘Adopt the Pace of Nature’

19th February, 2023 Just take a look at nature. She has been asleep, resting and waiting these past winter months knowing that there will be a time to wake. She is slowly awakening. Not in a rush or a mad dash to full bloom, but a slow trickle. Each day a minute longer. Each morning […]