“Thank you God”

31st Dec 2023 As we end another wonderful year full of ups and downs, I am overwhelmed with just one feeling, A feeling of immense gratitude for all the wonderful things that I was blessed with in the year gone by. We had blessings right through the year which far outweighed the challenges or obstacles […]

30th Dec 2023 Darwin’s theory states that evolution happened gradually over a period of time. But about 521 million years ago, for a brief period of time, this evolution process was fast-tracked. The Cambrian explosion led to a sudden diversification among the major animal species. Thanks to this sudden spurt in evolution, the world was […]
The New Year is about to begin…

29th Dec 2023 The time has come to bid adieu to another year, Cherish good memories, Learn from the mistakes of the past and strive towards a successful future. Let’s gear up for the New Year and welcome it with a Cheerful Disposition There is a famous quote that says, “If you are brave enough […]
“Two Horses”

28th Dec 2023 We all walk by hope and faith and not by sight alone. Some time ago, I visited a farm, with two horses in it. From a distance, each horse looked like any other horse. While gazing at the beautiful animals, I noticed something quite amazing. One of the horses was blind. His […]
“Go big or Go Home”

27th Dec 2023 The year 2024 is the year of the Dragon and is associated with power, luck, and success. Some say the year 2024 will be full of potential and prosperity. According to the Chinese horoscope, it’s a year of creativity and lots of new ideas, the year of the Wood Dragon will bring […]
‘Escape your Bubble’

26th Dec 2023 We’ve all heard a lot about ‘Bubbles’ lately in the Covid times. Many groups had isolated themselves in bubbles to escape the dreaded virus. But, don’t we all live in bubbles of some kind? Many of us live in our own little worlds—sometimes called “echo chambers” or “silos”—surrounded by friends who share […]
‘The Spiritual Significance of Christmas’

25th Dec 2023 Seasons Greetings & Wish you a Merry Christmas! Every festival has a significance, a spiritual meaning behind the traditions and celebrations. So does Xmas, which brings in a spirit of love, of hope, of caring, sharing and coming together. During Xmas, The Christmas tree is a symbol of humanity. The trunk is […]
‘Time to refill & renew’

24th Dec 2023 Blessed is the season that engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love. It’s Christmas Eve, Santa is on his way, Wish for what you want, Wish for what your heart desires, Believe & have faith that God will deliver. It Christmas time & along with revelry & merriment, let’s remember […]
‘The Season of Giving’

23rd Dec 2023 “We give little when we give of our possessions but we give much when we give of ourselves”, said Al Mustafa in Khalil Gibran’s ‘The Prophet’. Christmas is known as the season of giving. The practice of giving gifts during Christmas is symbolic of the presentation of the gifts by the Three […]
‘Dream Big’

22nd Dec 2023 Start with a dream! “Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so you shall become. Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will do what you imagine and at last, you shall create what you will.” Dreams are not what you see in your sleep, dreams are […]