‘Purpose of being born a human’

30th Nov, 2023 Once a disciple of Guru Nanak Dev ji asked him about the ‘Aim or the purpose of being born a human.’ Baba Nanak, opened a closed fist and gave the disciple a beautiful red coloured stone and said to the disciple, “Go, get the stone valued from different people in different trades, […]
‘Get your Answers’

29th Nov, 2023 On Gurupurab, I walked into the Gurudwara with some resolutions in my mind and ready to ask for a number of blessings from the Guru and find the answers to some things bothering me. Before asking from the Guru, I felt I needed to offer a small donation and I Took out […]
‘The teachings of Guru Nanak’

28th Nov, 2023 Five centuries after the passing of Guru Nanak, his words still resonate with his followers. Sikh simply means a seeker of truth. Let’s take a look at 10 of his teachings that are relevant even today. Never forget the poor. This mantra was relevant in 1500 when there was no concept of […]
Happy Gurupurab!

27th Nov, 2023 “Satgur Nanak Pargateya, Mitti Dhund Jag Chanan Hoyeya” (With the emergence of the Holy Guruji, Guru Nanak, the mist cleared and the whole world was illuminated. It was as if the Sun had risen and the darkness was dispelled.) These words of Bhai Gurdas ji in praise of one of the greatest […]
‘Life is all about Balance’

26th Nov, 2023 Life is like one of those races in nursery school, where you race with a marble in a spoon kept in your mouth. If the marble falls there is no point coming first. The same is true with life, where health & relationships are the marble. Coming first counts only with the […]
‘Why Me?’

25th Nov, 2023 When things go bad in your life, it’s easy to think ‘Why me?’ Why do I have a rubbish job? Why is my relationship not working? Why did I lose my phone? Why is my family so difficult? Why am I sick? Why do people treat me poorly? Why did my car […]
‘The Fault Finders’

24th Nov, 2023 “Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.” To be specific, these small minds are fault-finders, which according to the Webster dictionary, are people who habitually find fault, complain, or object, especially in a petty way. As a part of human nature, we subconsciously search for faults in […]
‘Let the mind train the body and then see the magnificent things that your body does’

23rd Nov, 2023 Time magazine had named Dean Karnazes as one of the “Top 100 Most Influential People in the World.” He is supposedly one of the fittest men on the planet. Dean started running in August 1992 at the age of 30 after a late-night party left him sloshed. He came home, found a […]
‘Climbing down Mt. Everest’

22nd Nov, 2023 Stories of Tenzing and Hillary have inspired generations of mountain climbers to push themselves to take on the challenge, brave adversity and get to the top. Not everybody who starts the climb to Mount Everest makes it back alive, though, and that only adds to the lure of the challenge. A recent […]
‘The Man in the Arena’

21st Nov, 2023 Over the course of his time in the public eye, Theodore Roosevelt gave a number of moving, influential, highly quotable public addresses—but none of them has the legacy of the speech he delivered in Paris on April 23, 1910 – a speech called “Citizenship in a Republic,” which would come to be […]