‘Concentrate and Focus’
11th Oct, 2023 Lack of focus is a common ailment in current times due to the large number of distractions available. We all lack the power to concentrate on the subject at hand and our mind often wanders in different directions. ‘In Will Power & Self Discipline,’ Remez Sasson wrote that concentration is the ability […]
‘Doing the right thing’
10th Oct, 2023 Lessons learnt from school and our experiences as a child shape our values & behaviour. Doing the right thing generally means making decisions that are not based on your own personal needs, that don’t expand your popularity, or enforce your personal beliefs. It means doing what is best for the greater or […]
‘Stop Stopping Yourself’
9th Oct, 2023 Many events, people and situations will challenge you and impede your progress. However, the only limitations that can stop you completely are the limitations you place on yourself. See that the doubts and limiting beliefs are of no use to you. Choose to simply and effortlessly let them go, just like that. […]
‘Lollipop Moment’
8th Oct, 2023 I was introduced to this wonderful concept of a ‘Lollipop Moment’ by an amazing speaker at a conference I attended recently. A lollipop moment simply put is when you do or say something nice for someone even a stranger or when you acknowledge something nice done for you or said about you. […]
‘Take care of yourself’
7th Oct, 2023 Self-care is not synonymous with self-indulgence or being selfish. Self-care means taking care of yourself so that you can be healthy, you can be well, you can do your job, you can help and care for others, and you can do all the things you need to and want to accomplish in […]
‘The 212° principle -That little extra’
6th Oct, 2023 Everybody knows that at 99°C, water is hot, very hot, and we also know that at 100°C, water begins to boil and becomes steam. Sam Parker and Mac Anderson expanded on this simple metaphor in their short book, ‘212°: the Extra Degree.’ They wrote, ‘Raising the temperature of water by one extra […]
5th Oct, 2023 Most people feel that success in business is dependent on how you respond to change, whereas many success stories show that successful businesses build business models based on satisfying needs that will not change over the next ten / fifteen / twenty years. Many years ago, Amazon’s founder and CEO Jeff Bezos […]
‘Keep Kicking’
4th Oct, 2023 A crisis is a true test of character, they say. Ups and downs are a part of of life but how you tackle the downs holds the key to the highs that might occur later in life. A business you started could run into trouble, you could find yourself laid off, You […]
‘Look for the Positives’
3rd Oct, 2023 Once upon a time, according to the fairy tale, a handsome prince was turned into an ugly frog by a spiteful witch. Her curse could be broken only if he was kissed by a princess, something the witch was sure would never happen. Once upon that same time, a beautiful princess longed […]
‘Gandhi and the One-shoe Syndrome’
2nd Oct, 2023 One of my favourite stories from the life of the Mahatma is set on a train & for me, it defines what made him a true giant among men. As the young Gandhi climbed on to a moving train, one of his shoes slipped off. As he bent to try and grab […]