
31st July, 2022 We’ve all become obsessed with mindfulness, meditation and self-help. ‘Fjaka’ is the latest self-care buzz word to add to the list. First, we had ‘hygge,’ then we got all worked up about ‘sisu.’ We even embraced ‘còsagach.’ Fjaka is the new lifestyle trend and it gives you an excuse to do absolutely […]
‘Promise Less’

30th July, 2022 One cold night, A billionaire met an old poor man outside. He asked him, “don’t you feel cold being outside, and not wearing any coat?” The old man replied, “I don’t have it but I got used to that.” The billionaire replied, “Wait for me. I will enter my house now and […]
What’s Your “4-Minute Mile”?

29th July, 2022 Every game in life is actually played on a 6-inch ground – the space between your two ears. Our mind and body are basically lazy. They always want to rest and hence they keep on passing signals to each other to slow down, to rest, to take it easy. You will have […]
‘You Start Dying Slowly’

28th July, 2022 I want to share this poem with you. It’s not mine, it’s by Pablo Neruda who won the Nobel prize for literature in 1971. I just like it and read it when life is just drifting along and I need to re-ignite the passion, hence I want to introduce it to all […]
‘Practice Makes a Man Perfect’

27th July, 2022 A pedestrian on 57th Street sees a musician getting out of a cab and asks, “How do you get to Carnegie Hall?” Without pause, the artist replies wearily, “Practice, practice, practice.” Life is all about that practice that will take you to the Carnegie Hall of success. Just that it will take […]

26th July, 2022 The Dewa Sanzan is a little-known mountain range in northern Japan. Since the 8th century, it has been the sacred pilgrimage site for the Yamabushi monks who partake in yearly rituals seeking rebirth and enlightenment for their mind, body, and soul. The core philosophy of their training can be summed in one […]
‘The Pygmalion Effect’

25th July, 2022 Recently, the board results of my younger son was declared & we were presently surprised with his achievement and score of mid 90%. Not to undermine his success, but his wonderful achievement reminded me of a psychological phenomenon called the ‘Pygmalion Effect’ The Pygmalion effect is a psychological phenomenon in which high […]
‘What is Happiness?’

24th July, 2022 Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. The 92-year-old, petite, well-poised and proud lady, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o’clock, with her hair fashionably coifed and makeup perfectly applied, even though she is legally blind, moved to a nursing home today. Her husband of 70 years recently […]
‘How to Learn to be Happier’?

23rd July, 2022 Did you know that at Harvard, one of the most popular and successful course teaches you ‘How to learn to be happier’? The Positive Psychology class is taught by Ben Shahar and according to him, the class – which focuses on happiness, self-esteem and motivation – gives students the tools to succeed […]
‘The Wabi-Sabi Way’

22nd July, 2022 “Wabi-sabi” is a Japanese term that essentially means finding beauty in imperfection. ‘Wabi’ refers to living with humility and simplicity while being at one with nature, while ‘Sabi’ is defined as the ability to accept the lifecycle of anything as it is—flaws and all. The Japanese, for instance, often use the term […]