‘What Drives your Actions.’

30th June, 2022 I found this story in the book, “The Knowledge Illusion – Why we never think alone” The authors writes — This apocryphal tale is about what causes people to act and how you can modify their motivations, to make them think they’re doing something for a different reason than they initially thought. […]
Don’t make Excuses

29th June, 2022 Excuses make today easy, but tomorrow harder. Discipline makes today hard, but tomorrow easier. The choice is always yours. Rudyard Kipling,”We have forty million reasons for failure, but not a single excuse.” Successful people don’t make excuses, they create results and no great life was built on a foundation of excuses. So […]
The 5 Monkeys

28th June, 2022 Whenever I come across old customs, traditions and beliefs hindering change, Iam reminded of an actual experiment conducted in the U.K. more than 50 years back. Five monkeys were put in a room. In the middle of the room was a ladder, leading to a bunch of bananas hanging from a hook […]
‘Bucket List’

27th June, 2022 “Every man dies — Not every man really lives.” ~ William Ross A few days ago, I was surfing online when I came across someone’s bucket list. It inspired me to create my own bucket list and write a post about it at the same time. If you have never heard of […]
Live Life Today!

26th June, 2022 A wise man was sitting on the bank of the river, a passerby asked “what are you doing Sir?” He replied: I am waiting for the whole river to flow, then I will cross it. That passerby said, ′′ Learned one, you will never be able to cross the river while waiting […]
Take a Break

25th June, 2022 When Nobel prize-winning West Indian poet Derek Walcott was asked by an interviewer what he liked to do when he wasn’t writing poetry, he said he liked to paint. “Oh, I didn’t realise you were an artist as well,” said the interviewer. “I’m not an artist,” said the poet. “I don’t paint […]
Dealing with Pain

24th June, 2022 Seeing the disciple troubled and muttering to himself, Guru Ji called him to the Meditation room. It was obvious that the younger man was facing inner upheaval. Offering a comfortable seat Guru Ji asked,” What is wrong, young man”. The Dejected disciple replied, “The cruel world and its cosmic designs are becoming […]
Knowing When to Quit

23rd June, 2022 On May 22, 2019, Mount Everest saw a traffic jam as 300 mountaineers made it to the summit that day, creating a traffic jam, a picture of which went viral the next day. German alpinist, David Gottler, was not among those who summited. He was just 200 meters from the peak when […]
Face your Fears

21st June, 2022 I remember a story I watched in a Mickey Mouse show when I was a kid. Mickey had this dream every single night that he was being chased by three evil creatures. Over time, he became completely exhausted in real life. After a talk with Goofy, he tried a different approach. Once […]
‘My Digital Detox Experience’

20th June, 2022 Hello and welcome to the world of beautiful calm. How many times have you felt you “should” learn to relax more. Or maybe learn to meditate? But learning doesn’t sound very inviting when you’re already busy and feeling stressed. But, there is a place that exists deep within us all, far away […]