‘Rewrite the Fairy Tales’

31st May, 2022 Sometime ago, I overheard my cousin read out a story to her grandaughter, “And then the princess found herself locked in a tower surrounded by a stinky moat with crocodiles and a huge scary dragon guarding the door,” read the grandmother, with her eyes wide and voice deep. Then, she made a […]
Buridan’s Donkey

30th May, 2022 Buridan donkey is a philosophical term or paradox that refers to a hypothetical situation where a hungry and thirsty donkey is placed exactly halfway between a pile of hay and a bucket of water. Since his hunger is supposed to be equal to his thirst, the donkey is reluctant to eat and […]
‘Heaven on Earth’

29th May, 2022 What if God asks you when you die, “So how was Heaven?” Create your own Paradise here! The biggest wealth is wisdom. The biggest love is the company of family and friends. The biggest virtue is gratitude. The strongest weapon is patience. The biggest blessing is kindness and the ability to share. […]
‘Your Legacy to the World’

28th May, 2022 Do you know that a mistaken obituary led to the famous Nobel Prizes! Can you imagine reading your own obituary in the newspaper? What would people say about you? Alfred Nobel got the chance to read his own death notice, and he didn’t like what he saw. Alfred Nobel was a very […]
‘Don’t Judge Others’

27th May, 2022 Don’t be in a hurry to judge people. I try not to judge people mainly because of two reasons, I have too many faults of my own and too many sins that I have committed and secondly everybody is fighting a battle you know nothing about. It’s easier to judge but the […]

26th May, 2022 Sharing a message from a book on Forgiveness I came across recently, by Gerald Jampolsky, “Forgiveness The Greatest Healer of All”: What we need to forgive in others may be something in ourselves that we have hidden from our awareness. Do I want peace or do I want to be right. Forgiveness […]
How a Password Changed my Life

25th May, 2022 As I sat down in front of my computer a server message flashed on my screen, “your password has expired” with instructions for changing it. Passwords have become a big deal in today’s digital world, where we have to change it monthly, using at least one uppercase, one lower case character, one […]
‘Tithing or Dasvandh’

24th May, 2022 The ancient Babylonians practiced a vital law that was the cause of their immense prosperity – The Tithing Law. They used the tithing law, which involves giving one tenth of all money or riches that you receive. The Tithing law says that you must give to receive, and the Babylonians knew that […]
‘Don’t Underestimate Yourself’

23rd May, 2022 Michael Jordan was an African American, born in 1963, in the slums of Brooklyn, New York. He had four brothers and his father’s wages were not sufficient to provide for the whole family. He grew up in a poor neighborhood which was full of discrimination, to the point where he could not […]
Happiness Boosters

22nd May, 2022 I was recently re-reading one of my favourite investment book, ‘The Behavior Gap’ by Card Richards and came across these wonderful lines from the chapter on Life Planning. He illustrates that, “Personal Relationships are absolutely crucial to happiness.” Loved the line where, he says, “Joining a group that meets once a month […]