It’s Sunday Morning

3/21/21 It’s Sunday Morning, Wake up late, Morning walk & meditation, Spend times with trees & birds, Brunch Movie time / Reading- binge Late lunch Siesta Tea with wife followed by stroll, Spend time with parents & kids My favourite tipple Light dinner Get ready for the week ahead, Stay blessed forever.
I believe nobody can make you happy if you are not happy inside.

3/20/21 I believe nobody can make you happy if you are not happy inside. Happiness can be a paradox: The more we search for it, the more it seems to slip through our fingers. Why is that? It is usually because we are looking in all the wrong places. True and lasting happiness can only […]
I recently read a wonderful little book – On the Shortness of Life by Seneca.

3/19/21 I recently read a wonderful little book – On the Shortness of Life by Seneca. This is one book that has stayed by my bedside since then. In this, Seneca, the Stoic philosopher and playwright, offers us an urgent reminder on the non-renewability of our most important resource: our time. It is a required […]
The nightingale sings mellifluously

3/18/21 The nightingale sings mellifluously and with fervour even though it is unsure of the future, basking only in the happiness of the moment. Human beings think too much. We conjure up all sorts of crazy scenarios in the mind which may never come true but which scare the wits out of us, since we […]
Mimetic Desire

3/17/21 Mimetic Desire Have you ever seen children at a party playing with balloons. One child suddenly grabs a red balloon and yells: “This balloon is mine!” Inadvertently, all the children drop their balloons and fight over this red balloon. A very dumbed down example of what René Girard calls “mimetic desire.” A lot of […]
I Believe

3/16/21 I Believe I believe in shooting stars that brighten the dark night I believe they represent hope by shining their light I believe in asking and knowing the reasons I believe life always changes as the seasons I believe in things I cannot see I believe the answers maybe mystery I believe in keeping […]
Good thoughts & Good Deeds Monday

3/15/21 Good thoughts & Good Deeds Monday Every Monday is your day to intend that you are going to think only good thoughts and do only good deeds. Think good thoughts for you and wish good thoughts for others. Refuse to give your attention to anything that will not produce good thoughts. Command and determine […]
Just relax, smile & have a lovely day.

3/14/21 Just relax, smile & have a lovely day. Life really isn’t that serious. We make it hard. The sun rises, the sun sets, the flowers bloom, the wind blows, clouds form, it rains, nature follows it’s course. The world goes on come what may. We just tend to complicate the process, by our thinking, […]
A little boy went into a drug store, reached for a soda carton and pulled it over to the telephone.

3/13/21 A little boy went into a drug store, reached for a soda carton and pulled it over to the telephone. He climbed onto the carton so that he could reach the buttons on the phone and proceeded to punch in seven digits. The store-owner observed and listened to the conversation: Boy: “Lady, Can you […]
Most young tree saplings spend their early decades under the shade of their mother’s canopy.

3/12/21 Most young tree saplings spend their early decades under the shade of their mother’s canopy. Limited sunlight means they grow slowly. Slow growth leads to dense, hard wood. But something interesting happens if you plant a tree in an open field: free from the shade of bigger trees, the sapling gorges on sunlight and […]