To be truly amazed, give your mind a rest

1/31/21 To be truly amazed, give your mind a rest This Sunday, Stop stressing, Stop worrying, Give rest to the problems weighing you down, Lighten up, Forgive yourself & Forgive others, Choose faith over fear, Choose peace over perfection, Choose calm over chaos Get amazed by the beauty around you & stay blessed forever.
Socrates once said,” Beware the barrenness of a busy life.”

1/30/21 Socrates once said,” Beware the barrenness of a busy life.” So, just do what you love & everything will follow. Inject newness into your life, try something new this weekend. Remember that sometimes you have to disconnect from the daily routines & distractions in order to reconnect at a higher level of meaning, purpose […]
Life is like a river, constantly flowing

1/29/21 Life is like a river, constantly flowing, Life is like a tree, constantly growing. Life is like the desert,constantly changing, Life is like the oceans, constantly re-arranging, Life is accepting, both others and yourself, Life is understanding, and believing in oneself, Life is committing, and doing the best you can, Life is believing, and […]
Enjoy the Journey

1/28/21 Enjoy the Journey Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (ZAMM) is the autobiography of American writer and philosopher Robert Pirsig, wherein he chronicles his motorcycle journey across the country with his son. It is however much more than just an adventure tale. Through his journey, Pirsig explains his philosophy on life, creating a […]
It’s not about who has more talent,

1/27/21 It’s not about who has more talent, it’s about who’s hungrier for success, who has a bigger fire in the belly, who can move out of the comfort zone, who can break the limits, who can bear the pain of failure & start again, who is persistent, who has faith, who believes, who has […]
India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech

1/26/21 “India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legends and the great grand mother of tradition.” Mark Twain Proud to be an Indian! One Nation, One Vision, One Identity, Meri Pehchaan, Mera India! Here is wishing everyone a very 🇮🇳Happy Republic Day […]
Choose What You Fight.

1/25/21 Choose What You Fight. I once met a very successful man and I asked him to share his secret with me. He smiled and said to me.. I started succeeding when I started leaving small fights for small fighters. I stopped fighting those who gossiped about me… I stopped fighting over unnecessary issues with […]
The secret to a good life is to never stop smiling

1/24/21 The secret to a good life is to never stop smiling, dreaming, living, hugging, holding, searching, thanking, feeling, learning, playing, laughing, thinking, wishing, forgiving, healing, expressing, appreciating, believing, cherishing, creating, hoping, just being & living life to the fullest. Don’t over think things. Don’t stress about what might not even happen. It’s Sunday, refuse […]
The weekend is the time to be busy.

1/23/21 The weekend is the time to be busy. Busy with family & friends, Busy creating memories, Busy improving yourself, Busy doing things for your soul. Busy doing what your heart desires, Busy spending time alone, Busy slowing down, Busy relaxing, Busy refreshing & reviving yourself, Busy reading something inspiring, Busy practising gratitude, Busy taking […]
A simple Message from the Universe

1/22/21 A simple Message from the Universe “Just one small step. That is all I ask of you today. You have been receiving visions about a great accomplishment I have planned for you. Right now the task may seem overwhelming – how will you ever get to the end goal? You will succeed, dear child. […]