12 Financial Resolutions for the New Year, 2022

Every year, the week between Christmas and New Years Day has a strange duality about it. Year endings are about mellow acceptance of the failures in the year gone by and the excitement about new beginnings. This is the time when you hope and pray for a better future and there is also a slight […]
The New Year is about to begin…..

31st Dec, 2021 Time has come to bid adieu to another year, Cherish good memories, Learn from the mistakes of the past and strive towards a successful future. Lets gear up for the New Year and Welcome it with a Cheerful Disposition There is a famous quote that says, “If you are brave enough to […]
21 Best Articles/Blogs I Read in 2021

“Asato Maa Sad Gamaya, TamasoMaa,JyotirGamaya, Mritor Maa, AmritamGamaya, Aum Shanti Shanti, Shanti!” ~Rig Veda. (God, please lead me (by giving me knowledge) from the unreal to the real, From darkness (of ignorance) to the light(of knowledge), from death(limitation) to immortality(liberation) Acquiring wisdom is like irrigating a field, you just need to clear the path for […]
New Year’s Resolution

30th Dec, 2021 Someone asked Osho: ” If one were to make only one new year’s resolution, what would you suggest?” Osho replied: ” This and only this can be the new year’s resolution: I resolve never to make any resolutions because all resolutions are restrictions for the future. All resolutions are imprisonments. You decide […]

29th Dec, 2021 Before Nelson Mandela left prison he said, “As I stand before the door to my freedom, I realise that if I do not leave my pain, anger and bitterness behind me, I will still be in prison”. Self imprisonment is worse than that imposed. How many of us have imprisoned ourselves inside […]
21 Books I Read in 2021

“The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them.” – Mark Twain The great never stop learning. Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger and John Templeton all continued to learn well past the age of most people’s retirement, and despite decades of success, they all had the humility […]
Good Deed

28th Dec, 2021 One cold evening, a little boy was standing in front of a store window. He had no shoes and his clothes were mere rags. A young woman passing by saw the little boy and could read the longing in his pale blue eyes. She took the child by the hand and led […]
Go Big or Go Home

27th Dec, 2021 The year 2022 is the year of the Tiger which is known for its power, daring and penchant for doing everything big. Next year is going to be the year “of extremes”, According to The ChineseZodiac.org. that means that all of us are going to experience significant changes in our lives. In […]
Two Horses

26th Dec, 2021 Some time ago, I visited a farm, with two horses in it. From a distance, each horse looked like any other horse. While gazing at the beautiful animals, I noticed something quite amazing. One of the horses was blind. His owner had chosen not to have him put down, but had made […]
The Spiritual Significance of Christmas

25th Dec, 2021 Seasons Greetings. Every festival has a significance, a spiritual meaning behind the traditions & celebrations. So does Xmas, which brings in a spirit of love, of hope, of caring, sharing and coming together. During Xmas, The christmas tree is a symbol of humanity. The trunk is when we were all united in […]