A Different Perspective

11/6/20 *A Different Perspective* Mark Manson is a star Blogger with more than two million readers. For the past few years, Mark via his widely popular blog has been working on correcting our delusional expectations for ourselves and for the World. He has brought his hard fought wisdom in his book, *The subtle art of […]

The Best Advice I Ever Got

11/5/20 All it takes is a single idea to change the game. One insight, shared in one quick conversation, can transform the way you think, work and live. And, as with all big ideas, the simpler the better,simplicity is the trademark of Genius. When I was about 21 years old, I was blessed to have […]

There are two types of generosity; targeted and untargeted.

11/3/20 There are two types of generosity; targeted and untargeted. Targeted generosity is when we do something for individuals directly, such as lend money or help an old person. Untargeted support is when we help a cause of some kind, such as donating to charity. The benefits of targeted support include feeling happier and it […]

Finding my Ikigai?

Date: 11/2/20 *Finding my Ikigai?* For as long as I can remember, I’ve felt a certain existential frustration that stemmed from the conflicting desires. On one hand, I wanted to live a life of meaning and consequence. On the other, I wanted to enjoy the lifestyle that came along with money. The result was an […]