25th Oct, 2023
One of my life gurus was Jim Rohn – the grand old man of American motivational speaking.
I read an interesting piece of advice from him, which I found quite fascinating & try to put in practise.
Very simply put it talks about- ‘Becoming a two-dollar man!’
According to him the next time that you need to tip someone, say a dollar, we should give him two dollars instead.
Learn to tip two dollars every time, where one dollar might suffice. Do this, not because of what that one extra dollar might mean to the waiter or the bellboy, but for what it will do to you!
When you tip that extra dollar, you begin to ‘feel’ like a large-hearted man, like a rich and successful chap. You walk just a bit taller, smile a wider smile and seem like a man in control of his world, and as you walk back into the restaurant the next time, you feel the waiter is giving you that smile of recognition reinforcing your sense of self-worth.
All this, you will agree, is not bad value for just one dollar more!
And often, when you tip just one dollar or the stipulated norm, the bare minimum, you could come away feeling like a bit of a heel.
A man who hides the tip in the bill folder, hoping no one will notice and you rationalize, so many people come to this restaurant, surely the waiters wouldn’t really know or care about who gave how much, you slink away, hoping nobody notices.
But one key person clearly has noticed – You, yourself! And when that happens, there are no hiding places.
So really the habit of tipping that extra dollar is not about what it does to the recipient (sure, it makes him feel good too) but about what it does to you, the giver.
It is about the magic it works on you and that’s worth way more than a dollar.
It works the same way with praise, and love, and recognition and all things in life.
Learn to give more, just that bit more.
Learn to give more credit, more praise, more love and see how good that makes you feel.
The more you give, the richer you’ll feel.
It’s a good lesson to remember, giving away an extra dollar can actually make you richer far more than you’d imagine.
This Festive Season, become a two-dollar man. Start today and see the difference it makes to you!
In all your interactions, be with your family, friends, in business, at work, to strangers, to the needy, learn to give more; just a bit more love, more kindness, more smiles, more happiness, more value, more donation in this festive season and make a difference in the World.
As they say, the difference between the ordinary & the extraordinary is that little extra.
Everybody will do the ordinary, you just do the little extra & become extraordinary.
This festive season, be a Two Dollar man & stay blessed forever.