A ‘To Be List’

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13th October 2024

We make To-Do lists, and yet has anyone ever created a To-Be list?

We are human beings, not human doings, so why do we forget that being is as important as doing?

We add grocery shopping to our To-Do list, as well as creating a list of people to call. We add exercise & administration, cleaning & proposals to be made in out To Do list.

But what about You amongst all of that? Where are you, the Being behind the Doing?

How are you feeling,

how are you being, while you do?

Children are great at being! They are emotive, expressive and present. Somewhere along the line, though, we were told that being was not enough.

It was wrong simply to be, perhaps selfish or self-centered.

Idle hands are the work of the Devil! Doing was where our value and self-worth lied.

So much so, it has now become a collectiive obsession of humanity.

And this obsession impacts our health and wellbeing. We become stressed by our to-do list. We feel tired & resentful. Our to-do’s only release their grip when we fall asleep…

….but then our alarm goes off, and what is the first thing that pops in our mind…our ‘To Do list.’

If we could only remember to look up into the sky once in a while, pause, take a breath and consider that we are a tiny speck in sky floating in this grand universe, we would remind ourselves that perhaps life isn’t all about accomplishing tasks, but also rather enjoying the ride.

What would be different if you made a To-Be list?

It could be as simple as taking a moment when you wake up in the morning to consciously choose how you want to be throughout the day.

Choose to be Happy, kind, loving, caring….

Think about your to-do’s, and also ask yourself how you want to be as you do.

You could also write down a list of qualities you’d like to embody, or feelings you’d like to feel. Write them down on a simple piece of paper & try and follow them.

Try it out this Sunday & see what happens!

You may find that placing your attention on how you want to be will infuse new positive energy and outcomes in your day.

Happy Being !

Stay blessed forever.