Seriously, Have you ever thought on this?

7/12/20 Seriously, Have you ever thought on this ? Come on, this Sunday,  just introspect on how you would like to be known. Hence, do you need to make any life changes to justify your title. I would personally say my life movie would be titled as *This too shall pass,* *stay positive and stay […]

The weekend is the best time to be busy.

7/11/20 The weekend is the best time to be busy. Busy with family & friends, Busy creating memories, Busy improving yourself, Busy doing things for your soul. Busy doing what your heart desires, Busy spending time alone, Busy slowing down, Busy relaxing, Busy refreshing & reviving yourself, Busy reading something inspiring, Busy practising gratitude, Busy […]


7/9/20 CHEROKEE LEGEND.. Do you know the legend of the Cherokee Indian youths’ rite of Passage ? The father takes his young son into the forest, blindfolds him and leaves him alone. The son is required to sit on a stump the whole night and not remove the blindfold until the rays of the morning […]

Before *Nelson Mandela* left prison he said, “as I stand before the door to my freedom, I realise that if I do not leave my pain, anger and bitterness behind me, I will still be in prison”.

7/7/20 Before *Nelson Mandela* left  prison he said, “as I stand before the door to my freedom, I realise that if I do not leave my pain, anger and bitterness behind me, I will still be in prison”. Self imprisonment is worse than that imposed. How many of us have imprisoned ourselves inside the walls […]

The importance of Guru

7/5/20 *The importance of Guru* When Swami Vivekananda first visited Ramakrishna Paramahamsa he asked ‘I have read the Bhagavad Gita and other scriptures several times, I lecture and give discourses on the Gita and Ramayana. Do I still need harbor of a saint; do I still need a guru?’ Ramakrishna didn’t reply to Vivekananda’s question. […]

To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die,” wrote mythologist Joseph Campbell.

7/4/20 “To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die,” wrote mythologist Joseph Campbell. Some jellyfish appear to live forever. Observing this as well as other remarkable phenomena, the co-founders of Google, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, have founded Calico with the primary aim of increasing human lifespan. In the US, The average […]