Most professions would benefit from at least one a day month where you did nothing but think.

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Most professions would benefit from at least one a day month where you did nothing but think.

No meetings, no calls, no deliverables.

Just a seat on the couch thinking about what’s working, what’s not, and what to do about it.

One day a week is necessary for some fields, But it’s rare, because sitting on the couch doesn’t look like work, so managers raise an eyebrow – even if it’s obvious that if your job involves thinking and formulating a strategy, you should be given time to think.

Business leaders take time off to recuperate, to recharge, to gather their energy and to get back with full vigour.

Bill Gates actually takes *Think week* breaks twice a year to read, think and broaden his horizon without any distractions.

This too shall pass,

As we start a New Year, let’s resolve to adopt this strategy and take *Think days or Weeks* breaks to rethink, recharge, rejuvenate & readjust our goals & journey.

Stay blessed forever.