’Live Life’

12th March, 2023 Life is like one of those races in nursery school, where you race with a marble in a spoon kept in your mouth. If the marble falls there is no point coming first. Same is with life, where health & relationships are the marble. Coming first counts only with the marble still […]

‘Build Some Slack – Wasting Time can be a Great Thing’

11th March, 2023 Recently read this wonderful piece by Morgan Housel, the author of ‘Psychology of Money’ on building slack and free time in your life. “So many people strive for efficient lives, where no hour is wasted. But an overlooked skill that doesn’t get enough attention is the idea that, Wasting time can be […]


05th March, 2023 What does it mean to relax? Despite hearing this term thousands of times during the course of our lives, very few people have deeply considered what it’s really about. Relaxing according to the dictionary, means ‘to become lax, weak, or loose, to rest or to become less intense or severe.’ When you […]

“What’s Really Important?”

02nd March, 2023 Keep Asking Yourself, “What’s Really Important for me?” It’s easy to get lost and overwhelmed in the chaos, responsibilities, and goals of life. Once overwhelmed, it’s tempting to forget about and postpone that which is most near and dear to your heart. I’ve found that it’s helpful to keep asking myself, “What’s […]

‘Express your Love’

14th February, 2023 Author Stephen Levine asks the question, “If you had an hour to live and could make only one phone call – who would you call, what would you say, and why are you waiting?” What a powerful message! Who knows what we are waiting for? Perhaps we want to believe we will […]

Role of Money in Relationships

13th February, 2023 It is Valentine Week and Love is in the air. You must be wondering why we are talking about money in a week like this. Most people consider it rude to talk about money, but alas, Money matters are one of the prime reasons for stress in relationships and, in marriage, a […]

Be Happy!!!

11th February, 2023 This story is about a beautiful rich lady who complained to her psychiatrist that she felt that her whole life was empty, it had no meaning. So, the lady visited a counselor to seek out ways to achieve happiness. The counselor said to the rich lady, “I’m going to ask Shiela, my […]

‘YOU are the Medicine’

05th February, 2023 Self care and rest means  recognising your needs before you begin to struggle and crash. The need for building emotional strengths  and mental muscles to recognise what you are feeling, creates a space to creatively solve challenges. Challenges will always be there in life, but if mental  strengths are there, the struggle […]

Enjoy the Journey

04th February, 2023 I recently reread the ‘Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance’ (ZAMM) which is an autobiography of American writer and philosopher, Robert Pirsig, wherein he chronicles his motorcycle journey across the country with his son. It is however much more than just an adventure tale. Through his journey, Pirsig explains his philosophy […]

‘Allow Yourself to Be Bored’

29th January, 2023 For many of us, our lives are so filled with stimuli, not to mention responsibilities, that it’s almost impossible for us to sit still and do nothing, much less relax – even for a few minutes. A friend of mine said to me, “People are no longer human beings. We should be […]